may, 2018

13mayalldayChristian Aid Week(All Day) St James Church


Event Details

Christian Aid week
Christian Aid Week is on Sunday 13 May to 19 May. St James church have quite a big group of collectors who go out each year. They cover most of the roads in Colwall, but there are a few they miss because they don’t have quite enough door to door collector volunteers. Would anyone from CoCoChu like to have a go with this?  We provide all the resources obviously, and it requires 2 visits: one to deliver the envelopes at the start of the week, and one to collect them a bit later. If you are able to help please contact Richard King from St James Church on


may 13 (Sunday) - 19 (Saturday)


St James Church

Mill Lane, Colwall, Malvern, WR13 6HE

Welcome to Colwall Community Church! We are always glad to meet you in a relaxing atmosphere.

Address: Walwyn Road, Colwall, WR13 6QG. ............................................Charity Number 1143657


Come find us and enjoy a great time.